Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Friendship is stronger than----heat stroke!

Pat & Judy here, bringing you a story of a great pick, and also a lesson in the importance of friendship.

We are both blessed with the friendship of many wonderful pickers/dealers, all of whom have a great sense of humor, a deep appreciation of vintage treasures and an even deeper sense of loyalty for their 'picking' family.   Several months ago, one of the dearest of pickers, Lynn H., passed away after a valiant fight against breast cancer.  She and her husband, Phillip, had a keen eye for hunting down some of the most unique and special treasures--but even more than that, they also had hearts of gold, sharing all their knowledge and many years of experiences with any one who asked!!  And we ALL asked!!
So, when Lynn died this past March, it was our turn to open our hearts and 'share' ourselves with Phillip.  And so it was, when Phillip made the decision to no longer resale, Judy and I decided to help him get rid of all his stock and we held a 'dealer extravaganza' garage sale, inviting many of our fellow pickers to come support Phillip and hopefully 'pick' up some really great bargains.  And they came!!!  They all pitched in and bought, bought, bought!!   Phillip was having a great time visiting and making deals.
And even though the temperature got up to 103 degrees (that's right, I said 103!!!) we were still able to sell lots of great stuff, make Phillip some much needed money and have a wonderful time!!  So please enjoy the pictures and remember----friendship IS stronger than heat stroke!!!

                                    Here are some of the boxes--full of great treasures!!!
                                               There were over 60 boxes when we opened.

                             And so it begins---Judy says I have a 'nack' for getting peoples
                                                      good side!!!

                                             Judy modeling for a prospective buyer!

                                          Don't just stand there, Arvis---start digging!!

                                                                  That's better

                                                          Jackie's having lots of fun

                                           Here's Phillip taking a break--he worked very hard!

                                          Back in the air conditioning--now he's happy!!

                                       Arvis just standing around again!! Get moving, Arvis,
                                                          all the good stuff is going fast!!!

                                      Josie is 'deep' in thought--"What is that thing, anyway?"

     A good time was had by all and most importantly, Phillip was happy and even made a little money!   Pickers are a special breed of people, often looked on as scavangers, hoarders and just plain crazy.  But after seeing all the wonderful support these special people provided for Phillip,  we are proud to call ourselves 'two humble pickers'!!   

Until next time, this is Judy & Pat signing off, hoping all your picking is good!!

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